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Above the clouds, in the violet sky
rainbow is painted

I speak to you, child
It’ll show you the way

It is easy to say that a life as a sea-hunter isn’t easy, contrary to popular beliefs.

They say that it must be nice to sail on the vast ocean, fishing and relaxing for the whole day. Arukaron begs to differ.

She receives that comment all day everyday. Sometimes she would wonder why no one questions why they are free from all dangers-  The answer is simple, It’s her. Despite the unappreciative words, Arukaron loves the villagers deeply. She just wishes they appreciated her more. Though, it doesn’t seem to be happening any time soon.

“Aru, please come for a second.”

An eldery woman calls her. Arukaron turns around with her iconic wide smile, warmly glancing at the familiar villager. “Coming, Granny Noel.” She beams, jumping from her spot. She slowly approaches the woman, Noel─ as everybody in Okhia Village calls her─ She is a kind vegetable seller who has taken care of Arukaron since childhood. It was too kind for her to unofficially adopt Arukaron after her parents passed away. She became like Arukaron’s own mother; Arukaron would like to return the favour even more.


Granny Noel smiles at her, before turning her glance to a plastic bag full of Aspharg on the dirty ground. “If you aren’t too busy─ “ She reaches for the bags and takes them, giving them to Arukaron. “Please give these to Uncle Shem, will you? He gave us some fish yesterday, Let him know this is our sign of gratitude.”

Uncle Shem is a sailor. His house is far on the other side of the shore, though he still kindly visits for dinner. Arukaron knows him as a fun uncle, His jokes are very much memorable. Granny Noel refuses to accept that, noting that his jokes were ‘bad for children’. Nevertheless, Arukaron finds them hilarious, and likes to slip it into her speeches, much to everybody’s horror.

“Sure thing!” Arukaron nodded and took the bags. She quickly counts them, there are about 20 stalks in each bag. “I’ll be back in the afternoon, see ya Granny.”

“‘See ya’ too, Aru.”

As soon as Granny Noel bids her farewell, Arukaron immediately takes the bags and bolts out of the small wooden cottage. Granny Noel’s house is surrounded by a garden of flowers. It might as well be the most colorful place in the whole village, something she and Arukaron is proud of. Other houses, big or small, are brown or beige depending on the wood, and Granny Noel likes to be different. 

Granny Noel?” Young Arukaron asked the eldery woman, “Why do you like to plant so many flowers?” They were sitting outside their cottage, with a cup of warm milk in both of their hands. The sunset decorating the background, the peacefulness overcame the cold breeze. Arukaron would see the woman taking care of the colorful flora, watering them and fixing them up. Sometimes Arukaron would question the need to be beautiful and colorful.

“You see the houses in the village? All of them are just wood.” Granny Noel snickered, somehow bashing their neighbours. Arukaron laughed too, Frankly speaking, Granny was right. “It’s boring, right?.”

“But we are different.”

“That is correct.” Granny Noel continued speaking, “But sometimes, different is beautiful.”

“Is it?” Arukaron pursed her lips. “Isn’t it unusual to have so many colors?”

“There is a natural phenomenom called Rainbow. It’s a multicolored event that occurs in the sky.” Granny Noel said, “It is often seen on Earth. Though I’ve never seen one here.”


“We humans used to live on Earth. It’s close to destruction, so we evacuate here.” Granny Noel told her, a tone of sadness visible on her voice. “I’ve only heard from my parents and grandparents...unfortunately all recorded knowledge was destroyed.”

Arukaron only nodded, a sense of curiosity washed over her, though she decided otherwise, and only took a sip of her milk. The sun is setting, and both of them returned to their rainbow-like cottage.

Okhia is a village in the west. It has a small territory, but enough. Not many know about the small village by the ocean anyway. Villagers wonder if that is a positive thing, or a bad thing. Either Way, Okhia is a family, rather than a simple village. Only about 10 wooden houses are built on the land, while most of the people are children under 15. Arukaron is a rare case, She’s the only 18 years old in the village, but is very popular with the children. Most of the older villagers would note that Arukaron is more childish than Small Jaqq, despite being 60 cm taller than the small boy.

Talking about Small Jaqq, Arukaron swears the boy just jumps out of her sight. 

“Jaqq Jaqq.” Arukaron calls out, “We’re not playing Hide and seek.”

“Shucks.” Jaqq curses out of nowhere, causing Arukaron to raise her eyebrows.

“Now where did you learn that, young lad.”

Jaqq becomes allerted and speaks quickly before escaping, “Gotta go!” The boy ran quickly, before being followed by a group of children. “Good bye, Sister Aru!” They shouted at the same time, before disappearing from arukaron’s sight.

Arukaron blinked, then sighed with a defeated smile. Children grow up fast these days. 


“I wonder how they’ll when they grow up.”   Arukaron jokes and resumes her journey to Uncle Shem’s house. It was a 5 minute walk and before she even realizes it, Arukaron is already on the doorstep to Uncle Shem’s hut. It looks old and broken, but he refuses to fix it. Except for that one time when Jaqq climbed the hut and jumped on the roof. It created a very large hole, and Uncle Shem didn’t want his residence to flood.


Before knocking, Arukaron stares at the door, then glances left and right. It seems quiet, as usually some villagers like to ‘chill’ at the sailor’s house. “Uncle Shem?” Arukaron tries to call him, her voice ringing through the area.


“Huh.” She glances around, confused.

“Arukaron.” A voice calls out behind her, causing the girl to smile. “It has been awhile.” Shem welcomes the tall girl, and ushers her to come in. He has a fishing rod on his left hand and an empty bucket on his right. Arukaron notices the bottom of his pants to be wet, and looks up again.

“Fishing?” She curiously asks, pointing at the equipment. The girl is answered with a nod and a short laugh.

“No luck today, though.” Uncle Shem says, as he puts the fishing equipment on the wooden table in the middle of the hut. He grunts, before looking back with a bright face. “So- Are you here for another joke lesson?”

Arukaron laughs in response, Uncle Shem always knows how to lighten the day. “I wish. But no.” She then gave him the bags of Aspharg. “Granny Noel says thanks for the fish you gave us.” Arukaron then smiles wide, “She cooked some fish soup yesterday, it tastes great!.”

His face lit up at the sight of the vegetable, “Free food!” He exclaims, causing Arukaron to laugh out loud as well. “Seriously though, Aru.” Uncle Shem takes the bags of Aspharg and examines it. By the looks of it, he is satisfied. “Couldn’t get any fish today, so thanks for the meal.” Uncle Shem then moves the vegetable to the kitchen, while Arukaron follows him, taking a seat. 

“Is fishes getting hard to find?” This time, Arukaron looks at the sailor with a concerned look on her eyes. They are a village near the ocean; If there aren’t any fishes to catch, then how will they eat? Arukaron purses her lips and looks down, trying to think of a reason and solution. “We could go pass the river to another spot-”

“I’ve tried every spot, Aru.” Uncle Shem sighs. “I took a boat trip this morning. I couldn’t find one even a kilometer from here.”

“It’s very unfortunate.”

“How will we eat though?” Arukaron quickly asks, gazing at the vegetable. “Vegetables are hard to plant during this season.”

“Hmm.” Uncle Shem sighs again, It is truly a problem. “Let us see how this will go. I’ll go diving later. We can at least catch other creatures.” 



Some say that a bright sun means good and positive. Yet there’s nothing that Arukaron detests more than the sun that shines too brightly.

Like what Uncle Shem and Arukaron had predicted, the current season means food shortage and extreme weathers. As plants begin to be very hard to grow, meaning the marketplace is not as crowded as before, both by food and villagers.  Not only that, it seems that fishes are very hard to find as well, much to Uncle Shem’s annoyance, though he can’t do anything about it. The weather is unpredictable, Storms can be seen from afar. The sight of it warns not only Uncle Shem, but all of the fishermen and sailors, including Arukaron.

Arukaron can’t do anything either. She is supposed to be a sea hunter, but hunting large fishes can be a hassle in storms. 

Sister Aru, What do you do for a living?” Haydi, one of the younger children in the village, once asked her. Sefon nodded from beside Haydi, looking at Arukaron with sparkly eyes.

“Excuse me?” Arukaron blinked as she gazed at both of the children. They stared at her both innocently and curiously that Arukaron gave up and explained. “I’m a sea-hunter.”

“Like Uncle Shem?”

“No- He’s a sailor.” Arukaron corrected. “There’s a difference. I hunt large fishes and creatures. Some of them have a history of causing damage to the village, and my job is basically to prevent you both from meeting them and dying.” Arukaron finished explaining, turning to the surprised children.

“Wow. I never knew you were so cool!” Haydi beamed. Arukaron was a tiny bit offended by the statement, and stared at the kids with hurt in her voice. 


“Hey! I am always cool!” 


“I thought you were just swimming around for fun.”

“Yep, that’s what my mom tells me.”

“You guys are mean.” Arukaron sighed defeated. To be fair, she did swim around, but it is called ‘to patrol the village and catch any creatures coming’. She swam for fun too, but that was for a different occasion. Her job was to patrol around the coast during the afternoon until night time, then if an unknown figure is approaching, her job was to check that out and manage it. She was the protector of the village! 

“Arukaron. May I speak with you.”

Arukaron hears a deep male voice calling her, and stiffly turns to face the large man. It is Yafeth, the Okhia Village’s chief and leader. Almost every child, including her, is frightened by the man, but fortunately for them, he doesn’t go out very much. Some say that his body has gotten weak. Nevertheless, Yafeth was once the strongest man in the village, and rose to be the chief. Arukaron hears his name often in talks and conversations, as she overhears some in the marketplace.  “Yes, chief?” Arukaron stands straight, looking at anything but his gaze. It doesn’t help that he is also Arukaron’s strict teacher.

“I’ve noticed that Charocles has arrived once more.” The chief calmly informs her, crossing his arms as he turns to look at the blue ocean.


“Right. It’s a large sea creature that has been wandering around the ocean since forever.” Yafeth bit his lips in annoyance, “I once came across the monster, but I was unable to defeat it. . . It all started like this as well.”


“Storms and no signs of other fishes.” Yafeth replies, “Mythology said that Charocles brings bad luck wherever it goes. It seems that it came to us.” He grunted, pressing his fingers to his chin. “It is best if you kill it once and for all.”


Arukaron blinked for a second. "Me?" 


"Yes. You."


"I'm 18, chief." Arukaron tries to argue against the apparent suicide misdion that Yafeth is giving her. "I'm too young to die-"


"You're a Sea-Hunter. It is your job." Yafeth strictly states, ignoring Arukaron's reasonings. "...I was 18 like you when I tried to kill that monster." His face softens as he speaks. Arukaron can sense the nostalgic feeling in his tone, and shuts up instantly.



"You, at least, can fend them off our village." Yafeth continued, "We'll be with our bow and arrows on the shore." He then turns his head, his gaze transfixed on the prepared weapons on the ground afar. He then sighed. "Clear?"


"Yes, chief." Arukaron slowly mumbled, powerless against the leader.


"Don't attempt something risky. Once you sense the danger, evacuate immediately." He then mumbles. It surprises Arukaron, whose eyes widens as Yafeth continues to speak. "Don't die tomorrow."





 Every child in the village knew about the story of ‘Yafeth and the Sea Monster’.  It’s a story that parents would talk about as a bedtime story, while children listened with a face full of curiosity and amazement. Chief Yafeth was highly respected, now idolized by youngsters. It all happened more than 4 decades ago when Yafeth was still a teenager who bravely swam to protect the village. Now an adult, the legacy is passed down to her.

Okhia Village was founded hundreds of years ago by survivors of a sunk island. It was said that they were attacked by countless monsters and creatures, one of them is recorded as the Charocles. When some washed up on shore of an empty beach, they decided to build a village. A role was given to young adults; it was to train themself to fight against threats. A sea-hunter, or Kynikhos, is to fulfill the duty of a guardian.

The previous generation had multiple sea hunters. Yafeth was one of them, and the one who rose to be the chief after fending off the Charocles. Choosing a chief is rather simple in Okhia. You became one through a tournament of strength, or by achievement by defeating a Charocles.

However, Arukaron’s generation turned out to be different. She was the only one qualified to be a sea hunter. Usually, it is a male between 15 to 40, however, She was the only one at that age range. Despite being a different gender, Arukaron was given the role and trained by Yafeth in several skills. Swimming, Diving, Adapting, Fighting, Survivability, and other knowledge.



"You, at least, can fend them off our village." Yafeth continued, "We'll be with our bow and arrows on the shore." He then turns his head, his gaze transfixed on the prepared weapons on the ground afar. He then sighed. "Clear?"


"Yes, chief." Arukaron slowly mumbled, powerless against the leader.


"Don't attempt something risky. Once you sense the danger, evacuate immediately." He then mumbles. It surprises Arukaron, whose eyes widens as Yafeth continues to speak. "Don't die tomorrow."



Taking account the context of the situation, Arukaron feels a tiny bit of guilt and regret.

And a determination to explain the whole thing to Granny Noel.

Because everyone knows, an angry mother is more terrifying than any ghosts or monsters combined.


Another hour passes before Arukaron can finally sit peacefully in the garden, with a still annoyed Granny Noel. They have been waiting in silence, as Arukaron is patiently trying to find the right time to strike. “So.” She starts, her eyes slowly hovering to her parent figure, very cautiously. “The Charocles-”

“The Charocles is nearing our land.” Granny Noel sighs. “I presumed this would happen days ago, but I have never imagined that you will be fighting it alone. It truly has come in the worst timing possible.”

Arukaron pauses for a second, and purses her lips. “Because I am a sea-hunter...this is my duty.”

“...That is true. However, you are still a child. You might be one of the tallest here, but you act so childishly- that I still think of you like a baby. My baby.”


“Is it tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow morning.”

“Very well.” She nodded, before exhaling deeply. “I wish you the best of luck. Please be careful. When you sense danger, please escape immediately. Don’t be hurt, don’t d --” 


Granny’s rambles continue, and Arukaron has to stop it. She puts her hand on Granny Noel’s shoulder, then putting on her usual smile. “It’s okay, Granny! I’m coming back with that beast’s skull and I’ll be the next chief!” Arukaron cheerfully exclaims. She tries to lighten the mood, joking about stealing Yafeth’s job as the leader (Despite that it is impossible, because the next chief will only be chosen after the previous death)

“Oh, I hope so too…Promise me, that you’ll come back.”

“I promise.”

It’s just hours until the planned assault will start.

Nervous is an extreme understatement. Arukaron can feel herself shaking. Taking deep breaths and feeling her heartbeats for comfort, Arukaron feels that it finally hits her. The realization that she will fight a gigantic monster (and possibly die in the process; Arukaron prefers not to think about that). The cold ocean breeze hits her, sending shivers down her spine. “I’m not ready.” She finally realizes, tumbling down to the ground to a sitting position. The view seems nostalgic. The sun is quietly rising, creating an astounding scenery.


She wishes that she could be like this forever.

But she mustn’t.

Yafeth’s voice rang in her ears. It is her duty; He had fulfilled his duty too, long ago. This is the peak of all the training she has got from Yafeth. 

“Are you ready?” It’s Yafeth. He slowly approaches the young girl, standing just behind her. He too, is mesmerized by the sunrise.

“I’m not. Sorry.”

“Understandable.” He says slowly, then speaks no more.

It was just them, alone with the rising sun. “This is nostalgic.”

Arukaron lifted her head and turned around, meeting with the chief’s eyes. “How so?” She questions him. Sunrises are very common. They are living on a beach, where they have the easiest access to the sky and horizon.

“The day before I was to be sent to the Charocles. I had a similar experience. I was afraid.” He confesses. It surprises Arukaron, that the fearless chief has worries similar to her. But it came to her that he was a teenager as well. “I didn’t sleep at that time. Looking at the starry sky, then the sunrise. Then the blue sky and clouds.”

Arukaron stays silent as Yafeth continues his sentences. “I know you worry about your life more than the village.” Hearing that, She stands up to refute his statement, however no words come out of her lips. “It’s selfish. But we are humans. I’ve experienced that dilemma as well. I was afraid that I’ll die in the process, but ignore my village’s safety.”

“I once said that as a Kynikhos, The village is more important than anything.”

“That is something that I’ve learnt when fighting the Charocles. I didn’t win the fight, but I succeeded in protecting the village. That is victory. I’ve done everything I could for the village, That is what being a leader means.”  As Yafeth finishes his story and speech, he slowly turns to leave. The sun has risen, positioned high in the sky. Arukaron can see blue in the corner of her eyes. 


Now alone, Arukaron gazes into the horizon.

Arukaron has always been afraid.


Of the scorpion that bit her when she's 11. Of coconuts that falls from the tree. Of Jaqq's never ending scheme of mischief. Of the thunderstorms. Of typhoons in the ocean.


Arukaron is terrified of many things.

Death is just one of them.


It is selfish. She's a protector. She's supposed to be brave and courageous. 


(She's not)


Arukaron dreamt of a normal life as a little girl. She dreams of having tea parties with colorful dresses and funny accessories. She dreams of talking with girls her age, making fun of little mistakes that she did. She dreams of being feminime, and normal, like all the females in her village. 


She wants normal.


Arukaron has never liked the outside. She would prefer being comfortable above all else, not taking risks or dangers. Arukaron thinks carefully, and will do whatever she thinks she can.


She never liked her role. It was forced unto her, and she in turn, began to despise tradition. (She would never say it out loud, though) 


If she could dream. She wants a life of peace and comfortableness. Jumping by the meadow, running pass all the colorful flowers, falling into the green grass and gazing at the moving clouds.


If she could dream. She wants to be reborn as a bird. Flying freely in the air, soaring to the sky, traveling anywhere and anytime.


If she could dream. She wants to be free.



"What is courage?" Arukaron slowly whispers to the morning breeze. She stays unmoving, even after the sky turns blue, even after the sun has risen. She stays in the same spot, the rocky cliff, only by herself. "What does responsibility mean?" She mumbles yet again, not expecting an answer (unless the spirit of her ancestors decides to finally appear)


"What is duty?" 


Silence overcomes her, as all she can hear are the waves. A moment of silence means a moment of thoughts and complicated mind games hosted by herself. Like a question without an answer, a game without a goal. 

Chapter 2 : c o m i n g  s o o n

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