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⎼⎼ A Conclusion

Charon believes she lost her identity when her village was wiped out. She acts like Arukaron, but the Charon within her is hollow of feelings. She’s stubborn, and so only sees her way as right and refuses to change. But she never realised that she’s still the same person, who grew and changed because of grief, and never moved on. It happens so quickly, one after another events, Charon didn’t have the time to move on before another thing happened, therefore it really affects her until now. Because she never experienced this before, as well as her young age, Charon is a child who is forced to go through the pain alone and faces its emotional consequences.


⎼⎼ Goal

Charon and Arukaron’s goal is the same. Their love for their people and a wish to protect them. When Arukaron became a Sea-Hunter, This was what Yafeth taught her; to protect the village at all cost. However, Arukaron was afraid of the duty, and sometimes worried about her life more than others. When Okhia is wiped out, Charon realises that she worries about the wrong thing, and now her village is gone, she feels she has failed her duty. Once Charon goes to volunteer, She’s there to give her life for Voda.


⎼⎼ Fear

Arukaron’s fear is physical death; while Charon’s fear is emotional death. Charon fears that she will change more and more that she loses everything about herself.


⎼⎼ Theme

Rainbow, Clouds, Skies, Sceneries, Rain
Change, Familial Love, Duties, Loss

Hollow,   Grief,   Belief,   Morals
Purpose, Atonement, Realization, Acceptance.

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