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Per·son·al·i·ty (n); the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character.  I wonder if that is true. I wonder how interesting of mine to change so drastically from back then. A personality is something that defines a person; but when it changed...does that mean that we are an entirely different person? It’s as if we lose our skin and are only left with flesh and bones.  As if we are only left with haunting memories of who we were.


⎼⎼ Chaotic GoodESFP-T; EntertainerTHE RELATER;  sanguine-phlegmatic


⎼⎼  Secretive | Unbothered | Immoral | Emotional | Reckless

⎼⎼  Playful | Enthusiastic | Protective | Devoted | Expressive


Charon is a weird mix of the brightness of the sun and the mystery of the moon. She’s both unpredictable and unusual, while also being highly caring of everyone. At first glance, she’s smiling and warm. Charon is a fun-enthusiast and is naturally child-like; She’s super playful and impulsive when a chance appears. She’s also very cunning in her ways, spotting a chance to tease always makes her satisfied. Her initial personality is like a burst of colors and expressions, as it is all shown through her face. Like the sky, her expressions can change dramatically according to her mood. This was the personality of Arukaron.


When a rainbow appears, it is preceded by rain. Charon is unbothered and stubborn. She has no more concern for other matters that involves her, and stubbornly acts like what she wants. Reckless and Impulsive runs on her blood, while Violence clouds her head. Morals are unknown to her. Charon doesn’t know what is good or bad, what is right or wrong; Her ‘Right’ only has one definition: Her Way. While bursting of colors, Charon is like a storm hidden within the grey clouds.


Her beliefs are like moving clouds engulfing each other into a cloudburst. Arukaron once believed that she could fulfill her duty rightfully, whatever it takes. She was wrong. After the incident, Charon loses herself in the process. Violence clouds her eyes, before the clouds move to her mind. She believes that violence will solve everything, and so she decides that she will only fight and argue for what she stands up for. Charon can be called as an anti-hero, she strives for good, but with a different way. Her way.  However, Charon still stands up for her family and her clan, her storge  stays, interestingly.


They say love has no bounds like the horizon. Something that Arukaron and Charon still share is their love for their people. Arukaron has always been loving to Okhia Villagers, and wishes to protect them at all cost. Charon lost her village, but the love stays despite her identity change. Charon’s love is the aftermath of the incident; A wish to repent, a wish to fulfill her duty further. While Charon lost her way, her goal and purpose stays the same. She’s devoted to her village, and so she will feel the same for the Voda clan.


Her morning will be misty, but her night is as clear as it can be.  It is not surprising when Charon refuses to tell anything about herself. She’s still trying to find herself. She’s still trying to repent. Charon admits that she regrets deeply and is trying hard. However, sometimes she just feels empty. When Charon realizes that her past is a part of her, then she will realize that Arukaron and Charon are still the same identity.  


It is easy to say now that Charon’s main problem is that she doesn’t know who she is after she loses the one thing she loves the most. When it’s gone and Charon changes how she thinks, She believes that Arukaron is not her anymore, and lives without it. However, It’s clear that the love is still the same, but for a different subject. Charon hasn’t realised this. She seeks the rainbow, but it has been inside of her all along, she just hasn’t realised it.

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